The Benefits of Dental Implants

Missing teeth cause more than simply aesthetic problems. They also cause a number of oral health problems, as well as problems for one’s overall health. When teeth are missing, the structures that once supported those teeth fall into disuse. Over time, the teeth surrounding a gap begin to drift toward the open space while the jawbone under the gap begins to erode. This, in turn, can cause facial features to sag and become distorted.

Thankfully, in addition to restoring beauty to smiles, dental implants can help to combat against the physical consequences of missing teeth. Because dental implants are placed directly into the jaw, where they act as artificial tooth roots, the deterioration of the bone ceases. Likewise, because the gap where teeth were once missing is filled with sturdy, natural-looking replacement teeth, the surrounding teeth remain in their optimal positions rather than shifting out of place. Dental implants come closer than any other dental restoration to mimicking the structure of natural teeth, from their roots to their cusps, and the human body responds as though the original teeth had been replenished.

At his cosmetic dentistry practice serving Springfield and Boston, Massachusetts, Dr. David Peck creates exceptional smiles through implant dentistry. While the oral health benefits of dental implants are substantial, the aesthetic benefits remain the most obvious. Dental implants can be used to support single dental crowns, dental bridges, or even full sets of dentures, all of which are custom crafted to look entirely natural. In addition, these restorations are attached to the titanium implant posts below the gum line to ensure the most realistic appearance possible.

Truly, there is no cosmetic dentistry treatment that rivals dental implants for their appearance and functionality. People who are fitted with dental implants are able to chew, speak, smile, and laugh with renewed ease. For those patients who are missing just a few of their original teeth, dental implants can be combined with other treatments such as porcelain veneers, BriteSmile® teeth whitening, and composite bonding as part of a comprehensive smile makeover.

For further information about implant dentistry of the highest standard, contact cosmetic dentist David Peck, serving Springfield and Boston, today.

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