TMJ Symptoms
Created on February 16, 2011
You’ve probably heard the term TMJ before, or perhaps you’ve heard the phrase TMJ disorder used in some places. Yet you may not be sure what that means exactly. That’s fine. Many people are in the same boat, actually. TMJ disorders can be quite painful and unpleasant, and it may make it very difficult for you to go about your daily life. Our Springfield, MA cosmetic dentist and the team here at the office would like to go over some basic concerns about TMJ disorders and their symptoms so you know what to expect.
First, let’s quickly define our terms here. TMJ really refers to the temporomandibular joint. This is the joint of the jaw, the juncture point of the skill and the mandible. Given its motions and many uses, the temporomandibular joint is one of the most complicated joints in the body.
A TMJ disorder occurs when there is an issue with the proper function of the temporomandibular joint. Common symptoms of a TMJ disorder include clicking of the jaw, popping of the jaw, locking of the jaw, pain in the jaw, strain in the jaw, and restricted motion of the jaw. In severe cases, the jaw may become temporarily dislocated. Severe discomfort may be experienced by some while chewing or even while speaking.
There are many ways that our office can perform Springfield, MA TMJ treatment. It should be noted, however, that the proper treatment for your needs will depend on the exact nature and severity of your TMJ disorder. In some cases, creating a customized bite guard for you to wear at night will be best, as people who grind their teeth or clench their teeth while they sleep tend to develop TMJ disorders. Surgery and more involved treatments and therapies may be required in some cases of TMJ.
To find out which TMJ disorder treatments would be best suited for you, or to find out how you can avoid developing a TMJ disorder, contact our Springfield, MA cosmetic dentistry office for an appointment.
Tagged with: Tmj